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The package’s version matrix is shown below.

Where the status is Current, the version is the latest release (minor or major). Where it is Maintenance, support is only provided by way of bug fixes and security updates.

Supported Versions

VersionStatusWeasyPrint VersionLaravelPHPBranch
9.xCurrent^61.0|^62.0 (semver)10.x, 11.x8.2+9.x
8.1.xMaintenance^59.0|^60.0|^61.0 (semver)10.x, 11.x8.1+8.x
8.0.xMaintenance^59.0|^60.0 (semver)10.x8.1+8.x

Unsupported Versions

VersionStatusWeasyPrint VersionLaravelPHPBranch
7.xEOL≥ v53, < 59 (unchecked)10.x8.1+7.x


  1. As of version 8, WeasyPrint < 59 is not supported. If you rely on older versions, please use the applicable package version.
  2. As of version 8.1, WeasyPrint 61 is supported and support for Laravel 11 is added.
  3. Version 9 drops support for PHP 8.1 and versions of WeasyPrint < 61. Going forward, every new WeasyPrint release (major version) will result in a new major package version.

Changelog and Upgrade Guide

  • The latest changelog, which documents changes between all versions (including unsupported versions), is available here.
  • The latest upgrade guide, which documents all upgrade paths, is available here.

Released under the ISC License.