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If you’d like to make a contribution to WeasyPrint for Laravel, you’re more than welcome to submit a merge request against the main or current-release branch:

  1. If you are introducing a non-breaking change, target the V.x branch, where V is the latest major version of the package. If accepted and does not break any other versions either, it will also be merged into the applicable branches for those versions.
  2. If you are introducing a breaking change of any kind, target the main branch. The change will be released in a new major version when accepted, and will not be added to older versions.

Your request should be as detailed as possible, unless it’s a trivial change.


Should it be required, please make sure that any impacted tests are updated, or new tests are created.

  1. If you are introducing a new feature, you will more than likely need to create a new test case where each piece of functionality the new feature introduces may be tested.
  2. Otherwise, if you are enhancing an existing feature by adding new functionality, you may add the appropriate test method to the applicable test case.

Then run the tests before opening your merge request:

composer run test


This package uses johnbacon/stout to auto-format code. Before committing your code, please run a format over all dirty files:

composer run format

Additionally, the package is configured to format on save when the “Run on Save” package (emeraldwalk.runonsave) is installed.

Commit Messages

Your commit message should be clear and concise. If you’re fixing a bug, start the message with bugfix:. If it’s a feature: feature:. If it’s a chore, like formatting code: chore:.

If you’d simply like to report a bug or request a feature, simply open an issue.

Released under the ISC License.